Everything You Need to Know is Within



Decisions, decisions. Every week, we make countless choices—some small, others significant enough to shape our lives. How do you approach decision-making? Do you trust yourself, or do you procrastinate, sometimes avoiding the process entirely?

Many avoid making decisions out of fear of getting it wrong. We’ve been conditioned not to trust our inner knowing, often seeking advice from friends, family, or partners. While external input can help, the truth is, the answers you need are within you.

How often have you said, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that”? Reflecting on past choices, many of us realize we ignored our gut feeling and followed our mind instead. But intuition lies beyond thoughts—it’s a deeper, quieter knowing. Becoming mindful of this can help you make decisions from a place of inner wisdom, rather than a place of  fear or doubt.

Sometimes, clarity doesn’t come instantly. In those moments, try handing your question over to silence, without expecting immediate answers. Taking a walk, meditating, or being still can help tune into your intuition. If you don’t have the answer simply wait. It will come to you, eventually.

We’ve been taught not to trust ourselves, but our higher self is always there, free from judgment and fear. Imagine the freedom in knowing there’s no such thing as a “wrong” decision—only learning experiences. Even if a choice doesn’t turn out as expected, it still brings clarity. Understanding what you don’t want helps direct you toward what you do.

Intuition is available to everyone. Tapping into it can empower you to live differently—without fear driving your decisions. Notice how easily you can sense the right path for others, free from attachment to their outcomes. The same wisdom is available for your life too. While others’ advice can be helpful, only you know what truly resonates with your inner self.

Living in the moment, guided by intuition, can shift how you see and experience life. Answers may come as a feeling in your body, a quiet whisper of knowing, or through unexpected interactions. Pay attention—signs and guidance are everywhere. Trusting this inner wisdom is a powerful way to live, even if you’re unsure where it will lead.

Next time you face a decision, give yourself permission to trust your intuition. You might just love the results.


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